Here is a tutorial on how to download a pdf pattern. The images you will see are from a MacBook Pro and some pages will look slightly different on a PC. But, I think you will find it helpful if you've never downloaded a PDF document.
Here is the direct link to the first page. You may want to open the link in a separate tab or window so you can have the tutorial open at the same time. To do that (control-click on a Mac or right click on a PC) I have added notes and arrows in the tutorial for further clarification. You may need to double click on the page images for a larger view.
You will also receive an email with the link to download, (assuming you entered your email accurately) |
This page will look different if you have a PC. |
This page may also look different depending on your computer, if it does use a similar setting. |
This page may also look different depending on your computer, if it does use a similar setting. |
Here is the direct link to the Scrap-bags Shop. Note: These instructions are specific to my web store things may be different when downloading from another site. Enjoy - happy downloading, printing and sewing!
Jamie Kalvestran